
It is ironic that someone decided to choose August to celebrate Family Fun Month. For those of us in the Southeast, that is when our vacations end and our new school year begins. It certainly must have been started up in the Northeast, which starts school in September where they have cooler summer nights for camping and other outdoor vacations!

With the start of school, carving out family fun time becomes even more important. And being the hottest month of the year, getting outdoors may be a bit more uncomfortable than other times of the year. But nonetheless, there is always ways to enjoy spending time with family in order to gain a deeper, more fulfilling connection!

This month of August take time to plan spending extra time with family doing fun things. No matter which part of country you live in, your family can enjoy a picnic in your local park or wildness area on one of the cooler days. And, make sure to bring along a frisbee and ball or some added entertainment.

Perhaps you might even devote the end of your day to picking up any trash you might find, leaving the park cleaner than when you arrived. What better way to teach your children the importance of taking responsibility for the cleanliness of their local natural environment?

Maybe a visit to the local playground right before sunset as an extra special activity for kids while mom and dad watch them play. Nothing says someone is more important than just sitting and watching the kids while they are swinging or sliding or simply running around. Kids can tell when they are the center of your attention, even from afar!

For older kids, taking a hike or spending the day out on the lake can be extra special. Or maybe cooking lunch over a firepit or BBQ can make a meal more exciting. Luckily, our country has so many possible venues of natural beauty within our National Park system. And, many have opened back up after lockdown but, of course, check first before embarking on any long journey.

If your area’s temperatures allow for it, you might consider planning and planting a late summery vegetable garden to inspire your kids and develop their green thumbs. What a great fun activity for everyone in the family from toddlers to teens! There is a plethora of YouTube videos and other information available online that will help your family home grow some vegetables. Vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower all do well when planted in August. And, being able to watch the “fruits” of their labor flourish can inspire all family members to eat more veggies.

In summary, there are so many fun activities you can undertake with your family. Why not take the time now to plan a few to celebrate this month? And when you do, you can be sure that when you are outdoors in the parks or on the playgrounds (or even at the beach), Bliss Products and Services products will be handily available as we sell everything under the sun for enjoying outdoor spaces, from play structures to shade structure, from park amenities to outdoor hand sanitizer stations.

Check out our new online shop for interesting independent play products or even replacement parts! If you need any commercial grade park and playground structures or equipment, we can be sure we have it! Find a representative in your area to help you design a new project today!

four playgrounds which are available to ship immediately upon purchase